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Specialists in feed and functional nutrition

Welcome to R2 Agro. 

Through innovation, knowledge and safety control R2 Agro develop and refine functional nutrition for professional agriculture industries, who aim for the optimal – with a good gut feeling.


Feed components, additives and premixes for production of feed mixtures and efficient supplementary feed for farm animals, fish and hobby animals.


Discover products for your industry

Products for Pigs

Products for Cattle


Products for Calves


Products for Poultry

Products for Horses

Products for Fish


Products for Petfood


Grain Trading


News and topics

Lars Laursen joins the ownership
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25-year anniversary
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AA creditworthiness

R2 Agro A/S is a company with exceedingly strong ability to meet current payment obligations

Vi er en kreditværdig virksomhed baseret på Soliditets kreditvurderingssystem. Vurderingen er foretaget ud fra en mængde forskellige beslutningsregler. Oplysningerne bliver opdateret dagligt via Soliditets database. Kreditvurderingen af virksomheden er således altid aktuel.

Website: Co3