Article from Danish magazine ”Effektivt Landbrug”, January 2025
A Danish piglet producer in West Jutland with over 1,800 sows reduced piglet mortality from slightly over 13 percent units to just over 10 percent in 12 weeks by giving the smallest piglets a yoghurt product in Pig-LET Starters.
"Even though we have good results, we always want to do a little better," says piglet producer Brian Jørgensen, Torlundgård near Ølgod in West Jutland. Brian Jørgensen has approximately 1,820 sows on two properties and exports around 69,000 30 kg piglets to Germany annually. The latest figures from the farm show 20.8 live-born piglets per litter, placing the West Jutland piglet producer in the top 5 nationwide. "When there are so many live-born piglets per litter, there will inevitably be some very small piglets among them. These very small piglets need extra energy to get started," notes the piglet producer. "To address this, consultant Karina Mikkelsen from “FarestaldsEliten” suggested we use Pig-LET Starters from Best Farm to provide a yoghurt product tailored to piglets to the smallest piglets," he explains.
Noticeable Results
"In connection with litter equalisation, we have now given the yoghurt product to the smallest approximately 20 percent of all piglets for over a year using Pig-LET Starters. The result is that we now have fewer piglets dying of hunger because they do not have the strength to move to the sow and suckle. Now the piglets are clearly more vigorous," says the sow farm manager at Torlundgård, Vitalina Berezynets. "Specifically, we reduced piglet mortality from just over 13 percent in week 47 of 2023 to just over 10 percent in week 7 of 2024," she adds. "We place the Pig-LET Starters as close to the piglets as possible, right under the piglet huts. This ensures that the piglets have the easiest possible access to them, so they can quickly start consuming the yoghurt product," explains Vitalina Berezynets.
Yoghurt product does not turn unpalatable
She further explains that the piglets are given the yoghurt product YoghurLac from R2 Agro A/S 1-2 times daily for the first 3-4 days, depending on need. Approximately 500 millilitres of the yoghurt product is filled into the Pig-LET Starters each time, and they are always empty in the morning. Vitalina Berezynets adds that the yoghurt product has the advantage of not turning unpalatable "With the experiences we have had so far with giving the yoghurt product to the smallest piglets, I have no doubt that we will always be able to reduce piglet mortality by at least two percent units with it. Therefore, we will definitely continue to use it," supplements Brian Jørgensen.
Suggestion from “FarestaldsEliten”
Consultant Karina Mikkelsen from “FarestaldsEliten” has been involved in inventing and developing the Pig-LET Starter together with Best Farm A/S, which produces it today. "I have been visiting Brian Jørgensen for many years, who ranks high in terms of the number of live-born piglets per litter. To keep as many of the smallest piglets alive as possible, I suggested he try the Pig-LET Starter to give these piglets a yoghurt product," says Karina Mikkelsen, adding: "He started with a few, but quickly decided to buy about ten Pig-LET Starters, so there were enough for all the smallest piglets from litter equalisation. And it really made a difference in the results."
Colostrum is important
"For this to succeed, it is important that the small piglets stay with the mother sow for at least 18 hours, so they get enough colostrum before they are moved in connection with litter equalisation. Otherwise, they will not make it, no matter what else you do," emphasises Karina Mikkelsen. "When the umbilical cords are dry, and you are sure that the piglets have had enough colostrum, the smallest piglets are gathered with the best sow in connection with litter equalisation. Here, the Pig-LET Starters with the yoghurt product are placed, and they stay there until the litter is thriving, and the piglets have full bellies and look good," she explains, adding: "To get the piglets to quickly take the yoghurt product, you can put a little of it in their mouths, so they get used to the taste." Finally, Karina Mikkelsen stresses that the Pig-LET Starters must be cleaned thoroughly every day.
The Pig-LET Starters are placed as close to the piglets as possible, right under the piglet shelters. This ensures that the piglets have the easiest possible access to them, so they can quickly start consuming the yoghurt product.
Feed manager at Torlundgård, Vitalina Berezynets, explains that the piglets in the equalisation litters are given the yoghurt product YoghurLac from R2 Agro A/S 1-2 times daily for the first 3-4 days, depending on their needs. Approximately 500 millilitres are filled each time, and they are always empty in the morning
December 2024
At R2, we don’t just have a manifesto and a strategy. We’ve also defined four core cultural values:
Every year, our employees nominate a colleague who best embodies these cultural values in their daily work. This year, Kevin Welk received the most nominations, accompanied by the following glowing praise:
We extend our warmest congratulations to Kevin on this well-deserved recognition. Congratulations also to the many others who were nominated by one or more colleagues – that’s truly remarkable!
August 2024
We are proud to share the news that the 9/10 schedule is now a permanent part of working life at R2 Agro, and we thank our dedicated employees for their enthusiasm and commitment during the process. With the 9/10 schedule, employees work 9 out of 10 working days with the same salary. The 10th day is a day off, allowing employees to spend it as they wish.
Three key focus areas have made this now permanent arrangement possible:
From the beginning, the plan has been that we must, at a minimum, deliver the same business results. But with the 9/10 schedule, we need to deliver them in a smarter way. We are systematically working to eliminate non-value-adding tasks and will continuously strengthen coordination and planning of tasks. There are still gains to be made, but as an organization, we have now shifted our focus to “work smarter – not harder.” Employee engagement is the most important solution to this, and therefore the benefits unequivocally go to them in the form of a day off every other Friday.
By contributing to a better work-life balance, we believe that we are creating more energy and motivation throughout the organization. This is precisely the foundation for the continued development of R2 Agro—a win-win for everyone.
We depend on attracting talented employees while also inspiring those who are already helping to create value daily. For many years, we have built a strong professional development environment where each employee can set the bar for their own growth. Now, we are adding work hours and the 9/10 schedule as an attractive element.
”Being off every other Friday has really made a difference in my daily life. I feel more rested and motivated, and I’ve achieved a better balance between work and leisure. It shows that the company truly values us as employees”.
Kevin Welk
Logistic specialist at R2 Agro
“Our industry has lagged behind a bit when it comes to rethinking work and value creation. Inspired by positive results from other industries, we decided to embark on a trial period with every other Friday off to see how this could improve our workplace. We look forward to continuing with this arrangement and creating an even better workplace for everyone”.
Peter Skou, CEO